The most useful podcasts, articles, and books I discovered while learning about crypto. These resources will provide a foundation so that your crypto learning rate increases. From simple definitions (like "mining" and "forking") to explaining how the blockchain works, this material will cover everything you need to know.
An audible crash course on crypto. These are the single best podcast episodes I've come across.
#1 Invest Like the Best
#2 The Tim Ferris Show advanced
#3 The Kevin Rose Show
Thought provoking articles. Quick reads if you have a few minutes.
#2 Union Square Ventures
#3 The Coinbase Blog
#4 The New York Times
An easy introduction to crypto is reading up on the history of Bitcoin. It's a fascinating story that begins in the aftermath the 2008 financial crisis.
#3 Chris Burniske & Jack Tatar technical
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